Download Patched Pokemon Emerald National Dex Edition GBA ROM
- Creator: Chronosplit
- Version: Completed
- Hack of: Emerald
- Updated: July 13, 2018
Pokemon Emerald National Dex Edition is Sort of like the Throwback or Ultra Violet to Pokemon Emerald. Instead of throwing in a difficult 500+ all Gen VII mechanic Pokefest, these adhere to fixing stuff and just making things available. Like it says on the tin: Hoenn Dex has all the Hoenn Dex, National Dex has all the National Dex. ND also has a “light” version that doesn’t alter trainers, as the other basically just did replacements for the sake of making the added Pokemon look welcome. No damage split, no new moves, no new Pokemon. Just what you need to finish the game without hacking it yourself.
The National Dex Light has all 386 available but doesn’t change anything else.
The full version of National Dex has Trainer load-outs switched around.
Also, be sure to try out Pokemon Fire Red Extended
- Improved Pokemon sprites, animations
- Running indoors
- RNG fix
- Pomeg Berry fix
- Decapitalization
- Ferry Events work now
- All Stones, Berries, TMs available at Battle Frontier’s PokeMart
Can I shiny hunt Pokemon in this version?
Does this have the physical special split?
How can i evolve Feebas???
where are all the tickets for the all the legendary pokemon