Pokemon Red++

Pokemon Red++ GB

Download Patched Pokemon Red++ GBC ROM Hack

  • Creator: Mateo
  • Version: Version 3.0.2
  • Hack of: Red
  • Updated: December 18, 2018
  • Language: English

Pokemon Red++ is a GBC ROM Hack by Mateo based on Pokemon Red in English. And it is now available to download. It was last updated on December 6, 2018.

Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Mirage of Tales: The Ages of Faith


The goal of Pokemon Red++ is to serve as an updated version of Pokémon Red. It aims to eventually fix all of the most glaring oddities of Gen 1, and include many new features and gameplay elements that we have become accustomed to over the years. The story itself is still the same as Gen 1, though there are new locations and small changes to events here and there to freshen things up while still keeping it mostly true to the original Gen 1 story.


  • Gender selection
  • New, smarter AI
  • Many bugs and oddities from Gen 1 fixed
  • Running shoes, faster Surf speed, faster bike
  • Physical/Special/Status split
  • Pokémon have genders
  • Shiny Pokemon
  • Breeding at the Day Care
  • Dark, Steel, and Fairy types added
  • Newer evolutions, baby versions of the original 151
  • All Pokémon obtainable without having to trade
  • Attacks updated to match Gen 6
  • Type strength/weakness updated
  • Updated move pools based on XY/ORAS
  • Offline Wonder Trade
  • Gen 6 style EXP Gain and EXP Share
  • BW2 Repel System
  • Move Deleter
  • Move Tutors


Q: Are all Pokémon available?

A: Yes, all 208 Pokémon that are included in the game are available without needing to trade with another person or abusing Wonder Trade.

Q: Which Pokémon are in Wonder Trade?

A: Every Pokémon that isn’t legendary can appear in Wonder Trade, but you will only find Pokémon that can legally exist at the same level as the one you offered for the trade.

Q: How do you get Dive?

A: Dive is not available because the functionality hasn’t been added yet. It will be in v4.

Q: Where is the Move Deleter?

A: The house between Fuchsia City’s Gym and Pokémon Center.

Q: Where is the Move Relearner?

A: Same house as the Move Deleter.

Q: Where do I find Shiny Pokémon?

A: The only “Event Shiny” for now is the Magikarp you buy in the Mt. Moon Pokécenter, but all other Pokémon have the same chance to be shiny as in Polished Crystal v2. Also, breeding at the Daycare is slightly more likely, due to the Day Care Man’s Ditto being shiny.

Q: Is Fairy type in this?

A: Yes, Dark Steel and Fairy are all in, and type strengths/weaknesses match Gen 6.

Q: Can I go to Johto?

A: There is only Kanto for now. Johto is part of the ongoing copy of v4 in the main repo.

Q: Will you add so-and-so feature?

A: Maybe!


Useful Stuff



Mateo, Pyro, BettyNewbie, Blue Emerald, Chamber, Soloo993, Berries, Inc., Amvz08, Wes, Chaos Rush, JoltJolteon, Kinected Wires, Miksy91, Dabomstew, Danny-E33, ShantyTown, Rangi, Cartmic, Pia Carrot, IIMarckus, Kanzure, comet, Sanqui, Yenatch

Unreasonably gorgeous admin of PokeHarbor