Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Navyblue GBA Rom
- Creator: Omonox
- Version: Beta 1.0
- Hack of: FireRed
- Updated: August 1, 2014
Pokemon Navyblue is a GBA Rom Hack by Omonox based on Pokemon Fire Red in English. And It is now available to download. It was last updated on August 1, 2014.
Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Fire Red Essence
This hack will tell you a story of the Larmog Region. 3000 years ago, this place was divided into two different areas. The king of this region wanted to awake a legendary pokemon and he succeeds. At first, he becomes its friend, but much later he just used its power for his own selfish purposes. Realizing this danger, another legendary pokemon has woken up and begun to fight those two. These two creatures have been fighting for a long time and those battles were fierce. The king’s castle and the whole region were also destroyed.
3000 years later, people begin to rebuild and recreate a new world for themselves and their Pokemon. You are a 12 years old boy, you live with your father. One day, when you are going out… you suddenly see that king. He is still alive! You think what you have been told when you were a child was just a myth and nothing else. Then you will start an investigation into this.
- A brand new region with 175 fakemon, new and old.
- New moves, new types.
- Many moves from Gen IV – Gen V.
- New places.
Just letting you know that the link to this doesn’t work
thanks, I’ve updated the post