Moemon Fire Red Revival Project

Moemon Fire Red Revival

Download Pre-Patched Moemon Fire Red Revival Project GBA Rom

  • Creator: Moetal
  • Version: Completed
  • Hack of: FireRed
  • Updated: ???

Moemon Fire Red Revival Project is a Pokemon GBA Rom Hack by Moetal based on Pokemon Fire Red in English. And It is now available to download. 

Also Check Out: Mega Moemon FireRed

What are Moemon?

Moemon are anthropomorphized pokemon, usually in the form of cosplaying girls. Moemon is a combination of the Japanese word ‘moe’ possibly meaning cute, fetish, or budding(as in growth).

The first moemon project started with Pokemon ROM hacking in which Japanese hackers replaced all the pokemon sprites in-game with chibi girls in pokemon costumes. It has since been worked on by English-speaking internet users.


  • Everything of the original Pokemon FireRed remains the same, except the sprites.
  • The number of Pokemon in this version will be 386 beings in total. Pokemon in later generations are not in plans of the developers.
  • The Pokemon availability is unchanged.





Unreasonably gorgeous admin of PokeHarbor