Pokemon PurePink

Pokemon PurePink

Download Pre-Patched Pokemon PurePink GBA ROM Hack

  • Creator: MikaruMenoko
  • Version: Beta 2
  • Hack of: FireRed
  • Updated: ???

Pokemon PurePink is a Pokemon GBA Rom Hack by MikaruMenoko based on Pokemon Fire Red in English. And It is now available to download. 

Also, be sure to try out Pokemon The Last Fire Red!


In this game, you will take the role of a young female trainer who will leave her hometown for the first time. Greenville is the name of your birthplace. Before leaving, you go to your childhood friend’s house and stay there for one night. Your mother’s friend asks you to help her with one thing: complete the Pokedex! You accept her request and so does your mother. The world is opening its heart to welcome you. On the way to becoming a professional trainer, you meet a new evil team called Team Xeno. They want to torture and eradicate feminine creatures to make a new world where the man is the only creature there.


  • Explore the story of a female trainer.
  • Pokemon in this game are usually female beings.





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