Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Hisui Red GBA ROM Hack
- Creator: Slowbroth3r
- Version: Completed v1.3
- Hack of: FireRed
- Updated: February 19, 2022
Pokemon Hisui Red is a GBA Rom Hack by Slowbroth3r based on Pokemon FireRed. And it is now available to download. It was last updated on February 19, 2022.
Also, be sure to try out Pokemon Glazed!
- Physical/Special Split
- Colored Natures
- BW Repel System
- Poison Survival
- Exp Catch
- Level Cap(Disable)
- Buy 10 pokeballs and get a Premier
- Reusable TMs
- Deletable HMs
- Disable medicine Items battle usage
- Some Abilities from gen VI
- Some Moves from gen VI
- Every Hisui Pokémon(in progress)
- DPPT font(removed)
- Starters Learnsets update to Legends Arceus Updates
- New Sword And Shield type icons
v1.3 Changelog
- Added Ursaluna.
- Added Sneasler.
- Added Hisui Pokeballs.
- Added New Sprites.
- Added Exp all.
- Added New Hp Bars.
You can Mankey in the left of Viridian city and then beat brock i did the exact same because i chose Cyndaquil as my starter
what is rare candy cheat?
Bonjour, je voulais savoir où se trouvaient les chaussures de course dans le pokémon hisui red ?
Noticed there is no way to get past Brock if you don’t choose oshawott. There are no pokemon strong against rock before pewter other than Rowlett who gets ohkod by geodude, mankey who gets ohkod by aerodactyl, and oshawott. The only options left are weak to rock but bidoof which despite evolving early doesn’t learn any water moves by level 16.
So it says that exp cap disabled but I’m getting capped at 20 at misty so like
How do you get into the Viridian Gym to obtain the final badge? I have lvl 50 and im stucked.
Plz give a reply.
How do you get into the Viridian Gym to obtain the final badge?
I would like to know if there is a way to disable the level cap?
there’s no info about that atm I’ll let know if something comes up
My pokemon are capped at 35 atm but they wont lv up anymore and I just defeated sabrina… She had pokemon from lv 40+ how are we supposed to do that. Even now after defeating her they are still capped. What did I do wrong?even in silph co my rival all had higher lv from 37-40
I’d like to know if there is an exp all pls
yes there is
Eu sinto muito pelo incômodo mas seria legal se o jogo mudasse o maoa Para o de legends arceus
I have 7 gym badges but it won’t let me in the 8th gym. Can someone please help me?
Is there any documentation of pokemon locations of Pokémon hisui red?
I’m sorry to bother you
Is there any documentation of legendary Pokémon in the game?
Love the website….
we don’t have that information yet but, I’ll be sure to inform you when we get those
Thank you. I know it’s probably early at the moment…