Pokemon Amalga Magenta

Pokemon Amalga Magenta

Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Amalga Magenta GBA ROM Hack

  • Creator: kingfin128
  • Version: 1.4
  • Hack of: FireRed
  • Last Updated: June 1, 2023

Pokemon Amalga Magenta is a GBA Rom Hack by kingfin128 based on Pokemon Fire Red. And it is now available to download. It was last updated on June 1, 2023.

Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Fire Red Extended


Amalga Magenta is a FireRed hack that includes 85+ “Alter Form” Pokemon, the faces you know and love but have been given a new type and design by a talented team of artists. The gameplay includes an entirely new map, storyline, and set of battle moves to discover, as well as challenging battles and hidden secrets along the way! A new type, Cosmic, will also be introduced and integrated, which is something to look forward to. Not only that, but QOL changes from the past to the present abound, as do some new innovations such as reusable Pokeballs and a grinding area in each Pokemon Center.

If you’ve heard of Pokemon AlteRed, this is its official sequel, and I recommend that anyone who enjoyed the original try this one as well!


  • A complete Pokedex of over 75 Alter Form Pokémon, with sprites made by a talented team of artists
  • A new type, Cosmic, fully integrated into the world and gameplay
  • A short, sweet, and concise 4-6 hour adventure with all-new trainer teams, an original map, and a simple story that still has its twists
  • A complete overhaul of motion learning sets across the board; over 100 new moves have been added and many others have been changed
  • A variety of skills and miscellaneous items up to the 7th generation
    • Numerous QOL: Poké Balls are now only used when you capture a Pokémon; EXP gained on capture; Name Evaluator, Movement Items, and Grinding Center at all Pokémon Centers; No HMs
    • Some secret battles Pokémon encounters and hidden lore to discover in every nook and cranny

Changelog v1.4

  • The entire Pokedex has seen some rebalancing changes
  • Wightning Line has updated Sprites
  • Boulderpie Line has updated Sprites
  • Droplit Line have updated Sprites
  • Helwet Line has updated Sprites
  • Registatic has an updated Sprite
  • Seeloon Line has updated Sprites
  • Pashpoke Line has updated Sprites
  • 10 New Pokemon added; you’ll have to find those on your own
  • TM availability updated
  • Charjing game crash glitch potentially fixed


Pokemon Amalga Magenta

Useful Stuff


Previous Versions



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