Pokemon Pure Heart & True Soul

Pokemon Pure Heart & True Soul NDS

Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Pure Heart & True Soul NDS ROM Hacks

  • Creator: gunsho
  • Version: 3.1.2
  • Hack of: HeartGold/SoulSilver
  • Released: March 09, 2024

Pokemon Pure Heart & True Soul  are NDS ROM Hacks by gunsho based on Pokemon Heart Gold & Pokemon Soul Silver in English. And they are now available to download. The games were released on March 09, 2024.

Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Mystery Mail: Blooming Chaos


Pokémon Pure Heart and Pokémon True Soul stand as my personal ROM hacks of Pokémon HeartGold and Pokémon SoulSilver. These two titles hold a special place in my heart, being my absolute favorites within the Pokémon series. With my ROM hacks, I aimed to elevate these already wonderful games into what I envision as my ideal Pokémon experiences.

Rather than aiming to incorporate all the quality-of-life features from newer games or allowing access to all 496 Pokémon before challenging the Pokémon League, my focus was on making a series of edits, ranging from minor tweaks to significant additions.

In essence, Pure Heart and True Soul represent my ultimate “dream Pokémon games” and serve as my realized vision for the Johto remakes. Initially intended for a small circle, I’ve realized that there are many others who share my sentiments, particularly regarding HeartGold and SoulSilver, and who may appreciate my take on these beloved titles.

It’s important to note that Pure Heart and True Soul are ROM hacks created solely for my enjoyment. However, by choosing to share them with the wider community, I’m open to suggestions and ideas. I’m eager to hear your thoughts on the alterations I’ve made to HeartGold and SoulSilver. I hope you find my post enjoyable and perhaps even decide to experience my ROM hack for yourself!


Updated Wild Encounters

Revamped the encounter tables to boost the variety of wild Pokémon you’ll come across. As you play, you’ll notice a mix of the original HeartGold and SoulSilver encounters with updated ones from Crystal. This tweak aims to give the game an official feel while offering a fresh experience in the wild!

Pokemon Pure Heart & True Soul

For example, remember the early morning Phanpy and Teddiursa from Pokemon Crystal? They’ve made their way into Pure Heart and True Soul, along with other additions like Sneasel in Ice Path. Plus, on Route 36, you can now find Growlithe (or Vulpix in True Soul) thanks to a patch of grass inspired by Crystal, allowing you to catch them before facing Falkner!

New Evolution Methods

More trainer battles 

Expanded Eusine’s role in the story

Restored Game Corner

And more!

New Unique Battle Music for Eucline


Pokemon Pure Heart & True Soul

Useful Stuff

If you like the game and would like to show your support for it, please head over to its official relic castle thread and show some love to the author <3

Downloads (Mediafire)

Mirror Downloads (Mega)


Nømura and AdAstra-LD – New DS Pokémon ROM Editor
AdAstra-LD – Pokémon Level Script Editor
Trifindo – Pokémon DS Map Studio
Markitus95 – Spiky’s DS Map Editor
Alpha – Project Pokémon ROM Editor
turtleisaac – PokEditor v2
RavenDS – Raven Dex Editor
KazoWAR – BTX Editor 2.0
pleonex – Tinke
Angel Team – CrystalTile2
WB3000 – DSBuff
Image-Line – FL Studio
Gota7 – Nitro Studio
Gota7 – Nitro Studio 2
kuzu – Sekaiju
Mikelan – Various scripts and research
Everyone at the Kingdom of DS Hacking Discord – Various scripts, research and support

Unreasonably gorgeous admin of PokeHarbor