Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Crystal Advance GBA ROM Hack
- Creator: Kertra
- Version: January 21, 2022 Update
- Hack of: Fire Red
- Updated: January 21, 2022
Pokemon Crystal Advance is a transfer of the classic Crystal to the GBA engine with a few additions.
Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Kanto Reformation
- New abilities and attacks
- Moveset updated to 4th gen
- New type icons, Pokemon icons
- B&W style Pokemon sprites
- Seasons
- Fairy Type
- Reusable TMs
- Poison survival
- Nature Colors
- 2nd gen Pokeballs
- Battle Tower & Bug-Catching Contest
- Daily Trade at Goldenrod Casino
Important Locations
Chikorita – Viridian Forest
Cyndaquil – Cinnabar Volkano
Totodile – Seafoam Island
Mew – Pokemon Mansion – You must have Mewtwo in party
Celebi – Ilex Forest – You must have GS-Ball
GS Ball – Give you Chansey in Goldenrod Poke Center, after defeating Champion. Then go to Kurt.
Pokemon 3 & 4 gen available only by trading at Goldenrod Casino
Evolution Info
Kadabra > Twisted Spoon + Level Up = Alakazam
Machoke > Macho Brace + Level Up = Machamp
Haunter > Spell Tag + Level Up = Gengar
Graveler > Hard Stone + Level Up = Golem
Scyther > Metal Coat + Level Up = Scizor
Onix > Metal Coat + Level Up = Steelix
Seadra > Dragon Scale + Level Up = Kingdra
Slowpoke > Kings Rock + Level Up = Slowking
Poliwhirl > Kings Rock + Level Up = Politoed
Porygon > Upgrade + Level Up = Porygon2
Porygon2 > Dubious Disc + Level Up = Porygon-Z
Electabuzz > Electirizer + Level Up = Electivire
Magmar > Magmarizer + Level Up = Magmortar
Rhydon > Protector + Level Up = Rhyperior
Magneton > Magnet + Level Up = Magnezone
Stone Locations
Fire Stone:
– Beat Schoolboy Alan (Route 36)
– Sea Cottage Route 25 (Showing Growlithe)
– Cinnabar Pokemon Masion (Hidden)
Water Stone:
– Beat Fisherman Tully (Route 42)
– Sea Cottage Route 25 (Showing Staryu)
– Seafoam Island (Hidden)
Thunder Stone:
– Beat Lass Dana (Route 38)
– Sea Cottage Route 25 (Showing Pichu)
– Power Plant (Hidden)
Leaf Stone:
– Beat Picnicker Gina (Route 34)
– Sea Cottage Route 25 (Showing Oddish)
– Saffari Zone (Hidden)
Sun Stone:
– Sunkern (5%)
– Sunflora (5%)
Moon Stone:
– Tohjo Falls
– Mt. Moon Square (Monday at Night)
– Clefairy (5%)
– Clefable (5%)
Ice Stone:
– Beat Lorelei (Seafoam Island)
– Ice Patch (Hidden)
Dusk Stone:
– Beat Agatha (Lavender Town)
– Ecruteak City (Hidden)
Shiny Stone:
– Beat Giovanni (Celadon City)
– Ilex Forest (Hidden)
Random 1 Stone:
– Bug Catching Contest (Catch Pinsir or Scyther)
Buy All Stones:
– Fushia City (Sunday)
Other Evolution Item Locations
Twisted Spoon: Wild Abra, Kadabra and Route 29 on Tuesday
Macho Brace: Wild Machop and held by in-game trade Machop in Goldenrod Dept 5F
Spell Tag: Wild Gastly, Haunter, Misdreavus and Blackthorn on Saturday
Hard Stone: Wild Graveler, Onix, Corsola and Route 36 on Thursday
Metal Coat: Wild Skarmory and Fast Ship event
Kings Rock: Wild Slowpoke, Slowbro and Slowpoke Well
Dragon Scale: Wild Dratini, Horsea, Seadra and Mt. Mortrar
Upgrade: Silph Co.
Dubious Disc: Giovani’s hidden room in Celadon
Protector: Wild Rhydon and Saffari Zone
Electirizer: Wild Electabuzz and Power Plant
Magmarizer: Wild Magmar and Pokemon Mansion
Magnet: Wild Magnemite, Magneton and Route 37 on Sunday
Has anyone else had problems evolving eevee into umbreon???
My eevee is at max happiness according to the woman in Goldenrod city (above the bike shop) and it is now in level 34 but wont evolve. All leveling up has been done at night time.
Is there a problem in the ROM or am I missing something?
So at what levels whoudl kadabra eveolve when you give it the twisted spoon item. The descriptions above only says, kadabra + twisted spoon + lvl up = Alakazam……but hoe many times to lvl up?
Same with machoke to machamp?
Game crashed for me at burned tower when defeating rival 🙁
Ma la radio per svegliare snorlax?
are there new tms
Do game shark cheats work?
Hey! Great game. Still I have two problems 1. Can’t find the guy who sells link stone at mt mortar. Where and at what time can I find him. 2. Where do I get silph scope – chairman at the silph co. gave me only a masterball. Without the scope a cant catch anything at seafoam islands (i keep meeting unidentified ghosts)
Got the same problem with the ghosts!
Got stuck at Ilex forest at this lady. Any thoughts? She is there after the “cut” part and doesn’t let me go though. Message on the snip.
That’s where I’m stuck.. did you get past her?
I can’t begin the gym battle with blue. He says “Listen you, you’d better not loose until I beat you. Got it?” Which is supposed to be said after you beat him.
Hey i have the same problem did you find a way to beat him or it is bugged ?
Is there no trade option? Normally a friend and I trade all the starters so we each have 3.
does this have the physical / special split?
My fight against Red don’t start when I talk with him, already remacth E4 at level 100. Did I lost something?
I’m stuck in the same place.. not sure what to do.
Can I get a togekiss using the shiny stone on this game?
Where do I find EV reducing berries?
How can I pass snorlax in front of the cage?
Get pokeflute from mr fuji
How do i get into cerulean cave? I have all 16 badges and idk what to do now. Any advice?
I have the Same Problem…
I have all 16 too and I can’t go in too I think it’s bcz the game isn’t completed
Got it, you have to defeat Red/Gold in MT Silver to enter cerulean cave
Red has all pokemon in 100 lvl, almost impossible to defeat
I cant find mysti anywhere. I already went to the power plant and walked into the gym and the thief wasnt there. What do i do now?
Where is the Vs. Seeker??
i cant find murkrow anywhare. its the only one i dont have yet. help pls. i looked at the pokedex and it said that murkrow is near violet city but i spent many time already and havent found it still.
I found mine in the Sprout tower! It takes a while but it’s there
how do i find the shiny stone in ilex forest
Where is the guy with the trade item around MT.Mortar? I can’t find him and I want to evolve my machoke
Few things, i cant seem to find mew at route 1 or the mansion with mewtwo in the party?
Cant seem to find murkrow at night?
And i gave the scientist in pewter lab, my kabuto fossil which came back no problem, the gave him the omanyte fossil and he took it now i cant interact with him?
Anyone help?
The farfetch in ilex forrest wont move. This causes me to get stuck at this point. Is this a bug? And does anyone know how to fix it?
I caught over 15 ghastly and still no Spell Tag, on a Saturday.
You need to buy the link stones in mt mortar to evolve haunter, graveler, kadabra and machoke
Yeah I can’t find the guy who sells links as well, do I need waterfall before I go I to Mt mortar
Great rom hack, not the creators fault but I wish the poke gear worked like it did the og but it doesn’t seem that anyone can make that happen.
Great game. My son has managed to get stuck inside the safari zone entrance building somehow. We’ve tried dig, escape rope etc with no luck. We play on myboy, is there any cheat or patch to fix this please?
Guys I’ve a problem with time. It’s always Sunday and after Sunday comes another Sunday, so I cannot use S.S. Anne or Bug Catching Contest etc. I tried to troubleshoot VBA, switch to the real time clock and back, didn’t work.
I’m playing without Girl patch. Does the time work properly for you in the Girl Patch? Did you encounter this issue before? What should I do? 🙁
I can’t seem to get rhe first badge I beat Falkner the bird trainer gym master but doesn’t show on my save game and let’s me continue on to bugsy.
Sorry, but how can i get Mamoswine ?
Get a Swinub (ice path), evolve it to Piloswine and then go to the move reminder in Cianwood City and make her remind Piloswine “Ancient Power”. You have to pay a big pearl/two pearls, you can get them from fishing shellders and catching/stealing from them. Then level up Piloswine and he evolves
But where exactly in Cianwood is the move reminder?
Sorry but the i can’t find the pearl can you help me?
I have this same issue lol
Guys I made it, Its Middle > Left > Right
I’m also having problem with Goldenrod underground switches… they won’t let me through the last door 🙁
what happen in the basement key… cant pass though.. the serie is 3 2 1 right?
is there a shiny code? all other i’ve seen do not work for crystal advance version.
I would like to know to evolve sneasel, gligar and rilou to lucario. I have been searching for info how to evolve sneasel but I cannot find anything.
I can’t go through the shutters on goldenrod underground, when team rocket invades the place. The last shutter won’t open no matter which switches I press
Is there a way to trade between games on this rom? I know all the pokemon centers don’t have a. Upstairs.
Everybody listen. In this version you dont need pokegear. Mr Fuji give you PokeFlute
And how to get the link stone… i cant evolve machoke or onix… you download the hack saying they will evolve automatically and then u need a stone? Wtf … and i cant locate the guy selling the stone… was looking for him everywhere around and in mt mortar… and yes my pokemons to evolve are holding right items and are 50+ lvl…
Where is Mr fuji
where can in find Rainbow wing?
thank you kertra i love your rom hack its awesome!
I can’t find it either.
This is such a great Rom I’m really enjoying the game play however the pokegear doesn’t work so I am stuck getting passed snorlax. Will this bug be fixed anytime soon?
Thank you in advance
What’s the shiny rates? First geodude i ran into was shiny, was on my way back to the mart to buy more pokeballs because I had none…….
Pokegear won’t work, overall great rom tho! Hope it can be fixed
Nothing there
where i can find molters?
he is the only one left for me
2nd cave – MtSilver
Haunter won’t evolve to Gengar with Spell Tag being held by Haunter. I’m using pokemon crystal advance girl.
Pokègear doesn’t work. Stuck at Snorlax and can’t go any further.
Hello. Buy a stone called a Link Stone from an NPC in Mt. Mortar. All Pokemon that evolved using the trade method will evolve using this stone. I know he sells on Sundays, on other days of the week I don’t know.
Hello! Sorry but i can’t find the NPC where is he? I search everywere
Pokegear is not working so can’t get past snorlax?
Pokegear won’t work so can’t get past the snorlax?
where do I go to get a charmander
Burned down tower
Is there any cheats codes that work for this patch?
Which Emulator are you guys using? I keep getting errors trying to start the game up. Is there a guide on how to do it right?
I’m having problems with evos as well anyway to troubleshoot??
Where is this guy located? Was looking everywhere nobody selling anything… why is rom saying in description they will evolve automatically and my machoke or onix cant evolve.. they are lvl 50+ holding right items…
Where is squirtle in this game? the dex says rout 41, but ive been there for an our with no luck. Surfing and fishing.
I found it in the slowpoke tunnel/well thing place..takes 5-10 minutes of searching thru the zubats and slowpokes, but they pop up for sure.
How can we troubleshoot if the held item evolves arent functioning? I dont have B always held on the emulator. Twisted spoon on Kadabra and have leveled without evolve 3x. Please help:)
How to obtain or what is the code for GS Ball and Celebi event?
You probably already know due to the time gap if this reply lol but if you don’t, after primarily beating Lance, you can go to the Pokémon center located in goldenrod city and then after you enter, just talk to the Chansey that’s to the right of the Lady that heals your Pokémon and then that’s when you get the GS ball. After that, I believe you talk to someone named Turk but idk where they are atm but yeah hopefully that helped
Eevee and golbat didn’t evolve with happiness and my machoke didn’t evolve when levelling up twice with the macho brace
Probably not the problem but make sure you don’t have the ‘Hold Button’ with B selected. I had that so I could run and my Pokémon wouldn’t evolve.
Looks like I had the same problem with my machoke.
Hello. Buy a stone called a Link Stone from an NPC in Mt. Mortar. All Pokemon that evolved using the trade method will evolve using this stone. I know he sells on Sundays, on other days of the week I don’t know.
For Eevee and Golbat, you need them to be %100 happiness and for machoke, you have to buy an item called the link stone.
Hi do you know if there’s a way to evolve Eevee into Sylveon?
What’s a girl patch?
I set the day on Sunday and it’s still Sunday, I realized the day isn’t changing. Any fix ?
The download link doesn’t seem to work. The link to the Latest Version + Girl Patch works though.
I’ve updated the download link. Thanks for letting me know.
Crashes and makes it unable to move after fight with rival in the goldenrod basement. Multiple restart from saves and still does it. Wasted hours only to not be able to get past that point.