Pokemon Crystal Ultimate

Pokemon Crystal Ultimate

Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Crystal Ultimate GBC ROM Hack

  • Creator: Major Agnostic
  • Version: v1.0.7.5
  • Hack of: Crystal
  • Updated: March 9, 2024

Pokemon Crystal Ultimate is a GBC ROM Hack by Major Agnostic based on Pokemon Crystal in English. And it is now available to download. It was last updated on March 9, 2024.

Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Remixed Red & Blue


The goal of Pokemon Crystal Ultimate is to be the ultimate Pokemon Crystal experience for fans: same story, same Pokemon, and same locations, but the game is more playable, balanced, and challenging. Just about everything is viable now due to a thorough revision of moves, learnsets, base stats, and Pokemon availability. The game’s challenge has been increased by revamping the level curve and adding to trainer parties custom moves, DVs, and stat experience, as well as providing a greater variety and number of Pokemon to their teams.


You’ve probably heard about my upcoming ROM hack, Pokemon Crystal Ultimate! The most recent playable version is v0.8, which includes everything up to and including the E4. The goal of this hack is to provide fans with the ultimate Pokemon Crystal experience, a sort of remastering in which the story, Pokemon, and would remain the same, but the game is more playable, balanced, and challenging. There’s also some new content, as well as many QoL improvements ranging from music to sprite work to brand-new features and battle system enhancements!

Because of a thorough revision of moves, typing, learnsets, base stats, and Pokemon availability, almost everything is now viable. The game’s difficulty has been increased by redesigning the level curve and adding custom moves, DVs, and stat experience to trainer parties, as well as providing a greater variety and number of Pokemon to their teams. The game, on the other hand, is designed to be Nuzlocke-able, so the challenge, while high at times, is fair.

Locations in the original game that was mostly empty, such as Ilex Forest, Ice Path, and Victory Road (not to mention Kanto), now have extra trainers and items. I’ve also taken some liberties to spice up and rebalance gameplay, such as changing the type of a dozen Pokemon, swapping out a few regular-shiny palettes to reflect this, and changing type matchups to balance out Poison and Steel.

Understandably, some players may find that some of these changes deviate too far from what they expect from this type of hack, so I created a Classic version of the game that removes most base stat changes, Pokemon typing and type matchup changes, most palette swaps, and will lower the shiny rate slightly in the final release. The ‘Classic’ tag is used in the documentation to identify the specific differences for that version (see Discord link at the bottom of this post).

In addition, all 251 Pokemon can be obtained through normal play, and all Johto Pokemon can be obtained before reaching the Pokemon League, with the exception of legendaries and starter/odd egg Pokemon that you did not obtain. On top of that, there are numerous quality-of-life improvements as well as brand-new features that improve playability without detracting from the original game’s feel! Below are some screenshots, followed by a list of features.


  • Map changes that bring previously unimpressive areas to life (e.g. Victory Road in the first screenshot) and add convenience, such as the Goldenrod shortcuts
  • Reworked in-battle and overworld sprites for notable characters and Surfing, as well as for Pokemon in the party menu and overworld
  • Added evening as a time of day with a golden hue
  • Convenient features such as being prompted to reuse Repels, reusable TMs, new gen 1 (GENWUNNERS) move tutors, a move reminder, and a Pocket PC
  • More item variety and accessibility, such as a Lucky Egg early on, rare items found as milestone gifts in your room, all decorations can be obtained outside of Mystery Gift, and fossil Pokemon are found in the Ruins of Alph
  • Brand new Kanto storyline based on existing lore to liven up the region; the first part of this new story is playable in v.1.0.7
  • Over 90 new trainers added to the game
  • New music and softer night versions for all outdoor themes
  • Hold B to run
  • Cross-region Fly
  • All 251 Pokemon and all items obtainable through normal play
  • Base stat, move, and Pokemon type changes to rebalance the battle system (see the documentation linked below for details on a Classic version that limits some of these changes)
  • New special trainer battles and super bosses
  • New side quests
  • Restored Kanto maps and revised/revamped many others
  • A level and stat exp curve that match a diligent player’s progression
  • Level caps for an extra challenge (added in v1.0.2)
  • Trainer card badges are in colour and a third page has been added for Kanto
  • Sprites have a softer and darker hue at night to match the darkness
  • 1/256 shiny encounter rate (1/3 for the Odd Egg) and shinies always have high DVs
  • Fixed many bugs (such as Kirt’s balls) and restored things like the Celebi event
  • Significant AI improvements
  • Improved rematch system: rematch trainers offer their number automatically after you first defeat them and have much better scaling
  • Every ball has a unique colour palette and catching Pokemon yields exp
  • In-battle weather indicator
  • Elite Four rematch with new dialogue


Useful Stuff


Previous Versions


Major Agnostic, Rangi, Electro, potato, TriAttackDev, TriteHexagon, Stan40, Mmmmmm, Aquacode, Sir Kitten Tavo, Farfetch’d/Ping Pong, Mr. Kanye, jordanar18, No_Honor, Snowy_Zombie, Jason Biggson/Ben&Co 

Unreasonably gorgeous admin of PokeHarbor