Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Pokeverse GBA Rom
- Creator: Ludo
- Version: v1.4
- Hack of: FireRed
- Updated: June 12, 2020
Pokemon Pokeverse is a rom hack that depicts Kanto in a parallel universe where all Pokemon have their design and types completely changed. Also, be sure to check out Pokemon CAWPS
- 151 Pokemon (taken from Gen 1-8)
- Increased difficulty with strategy
- Modified routes
- Nurse Joy teaches moves
- Gen 6 EXP share
- Fairy type
Useful Stuff
Ludo, Jerky’s Pixel Parlor, French-Cyndaquil, leParagon
They should have named this romhack “Oops! All Starters!” because that’s all you’re going to see. for a pokedex of 151, 63 of those pokemon are starters. 66 if you count the Pikachu line (Who doesn’t have a type change for whatever reason).
that leaves
So it’s basically Pokemon Ephemerald but in the Kanto region instead of Hoenn? Seems interesting, gonna try it out.
The Game and the Idea is awesome but…….
Why is the catch rate so less? i mean i need about 30 pokeballs for 1 pokemon and i dont talk about a legendary no, i talk about a lvl 5 pokemon in the beginning area….. why do i need about 20 pokeballs to catch a zigzagoon? i mean if you had pokeball costs about 1 pokedollar a piece then its okay but that way dont makes the game really great…… without cheats and without save state and load state you couldnt play it….. its cool but the way the catch rate is programmed is a disaster……
This Game Kinda sucks … wait No.. Its the worst !! I had 10 poke balls trying to catch 1 Pokemon but I couldn’t catch it !! so I give up on the game . Plus the routs are to hard to figure out .
Isn’t one of those screen shots from temtem? Im pretty sure the yellow thing in the middle is Ganki or something
Probably some extra fanmon inserted into the game. Middle ones are temtem top ones are from yokai watch and the bottom row is an oc fakemon, the voltash line
Hey so, I found a shiny swablu on route 1 before I had any pokeballs so boviously I couldnt catch it 😦 but then on route 22 I found a shiny koffing and had pokeballs so I caught it but I was wondering if the shiny odds are increased or am I just really lucky?
I think it does have an increased shiny rate but, I can’t confirm it ’cause there’s not a lot of info about this hack.
without an intention i got my shiny squirtle to be shiny without a single reset that is so dumb!
Alguém sabe de alguma outra hack rom dele? Eu lembro que tinha uma do fire red porém não lembro o nome 🙁