Pokemon Empyrean

Pokemon Empyrean

Download Pokemon Empyrean RPGXP FanGame

  • Creator: Stochastic
  • Version: 1.1
  • Updated: February 11, 2023

Pokemon Empyrean is an RPGXP FanGame by Stochastic made using Pokémon Essentials v20.1 & RPG Maker XP in English. And it is now available to download. It was last updated on February 11, 2023.

Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Emerald Chaos Ambulation

About the Game

I started making Pokemon Empyrean back in 2013, but haven’t worked on it for more than 4 months. In the summer of 2017, a friend reminded me of its existence, so I picked it up again and decided to resurrect it, and hopefully, finish it. As for the reason why I started making it in the first place, I always wanted to make my own spinoff on the Pokemon games ever since playing Pokemon Emerald as my first game way back when. But more importantly, I wanted to tell a story.


The story takes place in the Omuran Region, after the latest evil team, “Vordev Group” has been defeated by a Pokemon agent team led by your father, Hal. Although the Group was defeated, some of its core members escaped. Present day, you and your father arrive in Selene Town for vacation, but soon, Hal is notified that the remains of the Group were found, and he runs off.

Unfortunately, things do not go well, and Hal is captured by the remnants of the Group,
that joined forces with a mysterious entity. Your quest will be twofold, to become the best Pokemon trainer, and to rescue your father.


  • Custom Mega Evolutions.
  • Completely new storyline.
  • Built-in cheat mode (Shift + Space).
  • Post-game content.
  • New characters.
  • Tragic Events.
  • Updated visuals.
  • Regional Variants.


The following data is collected and sent to the analytics:

  • Player character choice
  • Trainer ID (randomly generated number in the game)
  • Chosen starter
  • Caught Pokemon
  • Which gym was beaten and when
  • Time at which Mega Ring was obtained
  • Kata level

You can turn the collection of data completely on/off in the settings, under the “Analytics” option, but having them on will help me better understand and improve the game.

How to Update

  1. Save inside a PokeCenter before updating
  2. Download the Pokemon Empyrean 1.1 archive and extract ALL files
  3. If you’re not using a pre-made savefile, move your old savefile (Game.rxdata inside your old game folder) to the new 1.1 folder

Cheats Guide

Press Shift+Space to activate the cheat menu and enter one of the cheats (If you activate any of the cheats, you will not be able to access the Trainer / Prism Tower.):

HEALMEPLS (heals the party)
CASHCOW ($100,000 money)
ICANRIDEMY (instant bike)
DRUGSTORE (potions and revives)
CLOUDNINE (clears weather)
MAKEITDOUBLE (all exp gain is doubled)
MAKEITSINGLE (reverts exp gain to normal)


Pokemon Empyrean

Useful Stuff



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