Pokemon Lightning Yellow

Pokemon Lightning Yellow

Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Lightning Yellow GBA Rom

  • Creator: Shadows
  • Version: Beta
  • Hack of: FireRed
  • Updated: April 30, 2018


Pokemon Lightning Yellow is a Pokemon GBA Rom Hack by Shadows based on Pokemon Fire Red Codebase/Engine in English. And It is now available to download. It was last updated on April 30, 2018.

Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Legend’s Red

Complete Overview and Walkthrough of Pokemon Lightning Yellow

Professor Oak, who has a lab in the area, serves as the primary leader in the area. As the game progresses and you find new pokemon to train and battle, the story takes some unexpected turns. The professor is putting your skills to the test by lending you a pokemon to catch Pikachu at the start, just like in Pokemon Greninja-Z. As a new trainer in the area, you should go ahead and catch some awesome Pokemon. But it is up to you to figure out how to catch Pikachu first, as these missions are difficult for you to complete. These types of missions make you feel more proud if you complete them on time, but catching the Pikachu this time is a huge challenge. Again, it is dependent on your abilities. If you’ve played previous versions of Pokemon Yellow, you should be able to do it.

The game includes all 151 pokemon from various generations, each with its own set of abilities and powers. You can even change the spirit of some pokemon if you have mega stones. If you want to, you can finish the Pokedex, but that is entirely up to you. Remember that each of the 151 pokemon has its own post-generational evolution as well as previous-generational evolution. Some Pokemon from Gen 6 are also present, as they are more advanced and can thus be used for more complex and advanced missions in the game. Capture the more intelligent pokemon in various locations as you progress and have some pokemon in your list, as in Pokemon Dark Diamond ROM. Pokedex can be updated with new pokemon added to the list. All of them can be drastically altered by employing some old class tactics and mega stones.

Battle System and Graphics

In terms of the game’s battle system, changes have been made to the battle and war effects. Some battles also feature great legendaries pokemon. You can capture them to use in battles. After you’ve captured them, make sure they’re well-trained for the upcoming battles. The battleground has been updated with new graphics, and the overall graphics have been enhanced to have a nice collection of colors and beauties everywhere. The attack effects and motions are more impressive this time around, thanks to the adoption of newer hacks and versions of Pokemon Fire Red.


  • Pikachu, Eevee are Pokemon Starters
  • Better Graphics





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