Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Shrouded Chaos GBA Rom
- Creator: itman1234
- Version: Alpha
- Hack of: FireRed
- Updated: ???
Pokemon Shrouded Chaos Pokemon GBA Rom Hack by itman1234 based on Pokemon Fire Red Codebase/Engine in English. And It is now available to download.
Also, be sure to try out Pokemon Voyager.
Don’t know why but in your region, Mewtwo is so bad and tries to kill people. And you are one of the people on his kill list. But the Pokemon Professors provide a tool called sleep module to stop him. After this event, you see a strange man following you. You try to catch him but he is so fast and escapes. Later you find out that he is extracting Pokemon DNA and putting them into others, ending up in a deformed or mixed-up Pokemon. You realize you must stop him immediately. What he is doing is so dangerous. You also must find the answer to why Mewtwo becomes so terrible.
- New Scripts
- New Gameplay
- Your Pokemon Starter is TEDDIURSA
- New Tiles and Sprites
Started off cool but after my first fight with Adam, the Giovanni sprite, I have nowhere to go. Not sure if that’s a bug or just where the game ends lol