Download Pre-Patched Pokemon FireRed Eternity GBA ROM Hack
- Creator: Elie1605
- Version: Final
- Hack of: FireRed
- Released: November 23, 2024
- Language: English
- Status: Completed
Pokemon FireRed Eternity is a GBA ROM Hack by Elie1605 based on Pokemon Fire Red in English. It was released on November 23, 2024, and is now available to download.
Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Mystic Horizon
This update of my previous hack Pokémon FireRed v514 serves as a remake of the original Pokémon FireRed with minor story adjustments.
It is not a difficulty hack but aims to provide a fun and casual experience. Main battles offer a slight increase in difficulty compared to the original, enhancing the challenge without overwhelming players. The hack emphasizes replayability with a wide selection of viable Pokémon and starters, alongside enjoyable features, ensuring a fresh experience with each playthrough.
- 9 Starters (Gen 1, 3 and 8) – New!
- 514 Pokemon from Gen 1 to 8 all obtainable.
- Physical/Special split
- Fairy typing.
- No Mega Evolution, Dynamax or Z-moves (I feel like they disrupt the game’s balance).
- EV-based grass: In each area, Pokemon will give you the same EV points. Check the Pokéarth in the documentation for more details.
- A DexNav for better IVs, egg moves, and a higher chance of encountering a shiny Pokemon, with no jumping around in caves and on water – New!
- Updated learnsets to Gen 7 or 8.
- 120 reusable TMs.
- All HMs can be used without teaching. You only need to have a Pokemon in the team that can use it – New!
- All important battle items, including pinch berries – New!
- A Move Reminder in Two Island that also teaches Move Tutor moves and Egg Moves.
- EV and IV Masters in Cape Brink.
- Nature and Ability Masters in Three Island.
- Evolution Master in Fuchsia City.
- A workaround of the berry farming system with a Garden Guru in Cerulean City – New!
- Every Gym Leader has a team of 6 Pokemon.
- Gen 6 Exp. System: Exp. Share, boosted Exp. with happiness, Exp. gain when capturing a Pokemon.
- An updated level curve that gets you naturally on the same level as Gym Leaders (if you use Exp. Share).
- In the Elite Four rematch, every member will choose randomly 1 of 3 teams.
- Four Battle Brothers in the Sevii Islands that sell battle items.
- North of Seven Island, there is a rematch against all Gym Leaders with 6 lvl 100 Pokemon, in order to prove yourself and encounter Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza in Navel Rock.
- After giving the Ruby and Sapphire to Celio, he will give you a Shiny Charm and the Aurora Ticket (to catch Deoxys).
- Added an encounter with Mew (in Altering Cave) and Heatran (in Mt. Ember).
- All three legendary dogs will roam Kanto after Elite Four and having caught 60 Pokemon.
- Man in Water Labyrinth will give you a Manaphy egg if your first Pokemon has maximum Happiness.
- An improved battle AI.
- Gen 8 breeding mechanism with early access to daycare (Route 5), Destiny Knot, and Everstone.
- A higher Shiny Encounter Rate – New!
- Improved Trainer Tower prizes: Star Piece, Rare Candy, Max Ether, and PP Up.
- Day and Night system.
- Weather conditions including a desert area in Route 9.
- New puzzle with Strength boulders in Diglett Cave.
- Improved some shinies (Scizor, Crobat, Espeon, Dragonite, Garchomp, Mamoswine, Magcargo, Nidoqueen, Mismagius, Heliolisk, Krookodile, Boltund, Gengar, and Kommo-o) – New!
- Increased chance of picking up an item after battle and modified the pickup table – New!
- Modified badge obedience levels.
- Added an in-game explanation of IV, EV, Natures, Terrain effects, and Breeding mechanisms.
- Removed healing items from Gym Leaders and Elite Four – New!
Game Mechanics Changes
- All HMs can be used without teaching. You only need to have a Pokemon that can use it – New!
- Colored stats according to Natures and an IV indication in the Pokemon Summary Screen.
- HMs are forgotten like TMs.
- TMs are reusable.
- Auto-Run and Turbo Mode (Bicyle) using the L-button.
- Can sort items in the Bag by pressing Start.
- During a battle, a move’s real power and accuracy is shown when pressing the L button.
- Easier fishing mechanism (No need to press A at the “Oh! A bite!”).
- Giving a Dusk Stone for a Pokemon will decrease its Exp. gain (in opposition to the Lucky Egg) – New!
Pokemon Changes
Typing changes:
- Gothorita & Gothitelle: Psychic/Dark (see Biology description: sad and dark, plus it makes it unique)
- Swablu & Altaria: Fairy/Dragon (looks Fairy and makes it unique)
- Shuppet & Banette: Ghost/Normal (what’s more normal than a puppet and a doll ? Plus it makes it unique).
- Ninetales: Fire/Fairy (Has supernatural powers, inspired by a Kitsune, makes it unique).
Ability changes:
- Ampharos: Electric surge
- Arbok: Merciless
- Banette: Prankster
- Claydol: Psychic surge
- Dodrio: Stamina (“It has three sets of hearts and lungs […] thus giving it increased endurance to run vast distances without rest”).
- Florges: Misty surge & Chlorophyll
- Flygon: Compoundeyes (hidden ability)
- Klinklang: Levitate
- Muk: Regenerator
- Swanna: Serene Grace
- Tropius: Ripen
- Walrein: Fur coat
Stats changes:
- Absol: Atk 130 → 120, Sp. Atk 75 → 65, Speed 75 → 95
- Arbok: Sp. Atk 65 → 45, Speed 80 → 110
- Banette: Speed 65 → 85
- Cacturne: HP 70 → 80, Atk 115 → 105, Def 60 → 75, Sp. Atk 115 → 95, Sp. Def 60 → 75
- Camerupt: HP 70 → 90
- Claydol: HP 60 → 80, Atk 70 → 60, Sp. Atk 70 → 75, Speed 75 → 70
- Dodrio: HP 60 → 70
- Flygon: Sp. Atk 80 → 90
- Gogoat: Def 62 → 67, Sp. Atk 97 → 92
- Klinklang: Sp. Atk 70 → 90
- Lumineon: HP 69 → 78, Atk 69 → 40, Sp. Atk 69 → 88, Speed 91 → 105
- Luxray: HP 80 → 75, Def 79 → 74, Sp. Def 79 → 74, Speed 70 → 85
- Magcargo: HP 60 → 70
- Mawile: HP 50 → 70, Sp. Def 55 → 75
- Sceptile: Atk 85 → 100, Sp. Def 85 → 75
- Seaking: Def 65 → 70, Speed 68 → 75
- Seviper: HP 73 → 87, Atk 100 → 95, Def 60 → 84, Sp. Atk 100 → 83, Sp. Def 60 → 79, Speed 65 → 60
- Swalot: HP 100 → 110
- Tropius: HP 99 → 105, Atk 68 → 90, Sp Atk 72 → 78
Learnsets changes:
- Ampharos: Added Tail Glow and Flash Cannon.
- Boltund: Replaced Wild Charge with Thunder Fang.
- Claydol: Added Recover and Power Gem.
- Clefairy: Replaced Double Slap with Disarm Voice and removed Body Slam.
- Escavalier: Added Leech Life (he’s a bug and already knows Giga Drain)
- Gogoat: Added Cut.
- Gyarados: Added Liquidation.
- Inteleon: Added Nasty Plot, Camouflage, Aqua Tail, Shadow Sneak, Calm Mind, Reflect Type, Quick Guard, Iron Tail, Aura Sphere, Slack Off, Close Combat, Laser Focus, Flash Cannon, Focus Blast, Zen Headbutt, Headbutt, Punishment, Parting Shot, and Signal Beam.
- Klinklang: Added Rapid Spin, Body Press, Body Slam, Extreme Speed, Ion Deluge, Metal Burst, Pursuit, Swords Dance, Thrash, U-turn, Wring Out, and Payback.
- Lumineon: Added Hurricane and Flash Cannon.
- Ninetales: Added Dazzling Gleam, Charm, Heal Bell, Wonder Room, and Moonblast.
- Ralts: Replaced Heal Pulse with Life Dew.
- Seviper: Removed X-Scissor (it doesn’t have any scythes or claws).
- Swalot: Added Drain Punch.
- Tropius: Added Weather Ball.
Useful Stuff
Elie1605 (Creator)
A big thanks to everyone who was involved in the development of the Leon ROM Base, DPE and CFRU engine.
Credits also to Greenphx for helping me solve some bugs and implement some features.
So is the word ‘Scientist’ (as in the Trainer class) supposed to be spelled as ‘Scoemtost’ or is that just a mistake
Also I love how there’s an easy way to become rich in this game without cheats (provided you know how and if you’re patient)
I’d love to play but I don’t want to risk getting a virus. I’d rather wait until whatever’s causing my antivirus to go off to be patched out.
idk what’s going on, i’ve scanned the file with multiple antiviruses and i got nothing. try using this link and let me know if this has the same problem:
This link works fine and it didn’t activate my anti-virus. Thank you very much! :3
after playing this game halfway through it got to me, i should have just played radical red…. having exp share after 3rd gym feels kinda late and no level cap not helping out either not to say no audino to grind exp early on, they said its not a difficulty hack but the gym leader level really jumped out after misty
A super amazing fangame that’s been out for many years just recently got a Spanish to English translation, and it’s called Pokémon Realidea System. Would you be interested in taking a look at it/this video to see if you would want to add it to your site? I watched MunchingOrange play it, and I gotta say, I think it’s really great, and I think others who frequent this website for all things fanmade Pokémon would love to experience it when they have a chance as well!! I’ve already downloaded it myself and will start my playthru soon, but I grabbed Pkmn Myth from the site and figured while I was here, I would share this! (:
link to MO’s vid:
posted it:
Nigga… Why are these dumbasses still calling them legendary dogs? They are more feline species than anything. Clearly these niggas never opened up a biology book or watched National Geographic or any nature documentaries ever.
This is why we call them LEGENDARY BEASTS now. Unless you never graduated the 6th grade and are still reliving your childhood days on repeat inside your grown adult bodies, like groundhog day (Twilight Zone).
It’s so fucking cringe when someone calls them dogs 😂😂😂 Like we already went over this on the internet I thought, but maybe these niggas aint get the memo
who cares what anyone calls them man it’s not that serious
no need to be racist it’s a video game not real life.
While I’m not saying I agree or disagree with them… It isn’t really that serious, yes. But as a black man myself. How is this even remotely racist? All they said was the N-word, and they didn’t allude to harboring negative feelings towards black people or even any race? I’m confused here. Yeah it’s a racial term, but I don’t find it offensive. How do you know that this person was not black too? Because they like transformers? Blacks aren’t allowed to like it now? Damn… Or is it just because you think black people are illiterate and would not find themselves on this site in the first place or be capable of writing a comment? Are you calling them racist because in your mind, they are wrong and you don’t agree with them, but you don’t have any valid arguments against them other than to call them racist?
Now I don’t know you in real life, nor do I care to. But I just always find it so weird how people online will call someone racist just for saying the N-word. And reminder, I’m black. (You will find many many black people who share those same feelings. So if you don’t wanna believe me, just go use google I guess). But in the real world, at least myself I have never come across anyone saying this that WASN’T white.
So honestly man if I had to guess, you’re either white or just not black, or you are black and sadly conditioned and brainwashed by the media to take offense to everything and feel oppressed by every little thing, as a black person.
But your name is Dalton. Supposedly. And I aint never met a black man named Dalton, ahahaha. So it’s gotta be the former. But again, I don’t wanna assume anything. Maybe there are a hundred black Daltons out there that I just wasn’t aware of living in the rich white suburbs 😂
this romhack kinda ate
if this rom isn’t a difficulty hack then why dose the ai switch and why does the third gym onwards have buffed levels for their teams?
L can’t lie. Here come the dislikes 😂
My god you are such an entitled little prude. On every single game and new post that you see. Always some negativity and toxicity to spew. You have a god complex as well and are very narcissistic. Thinking that what you say is always right and just (self-righteousness), and that it definitely NEEDS to be said and heard. Despite how it “triggers” everyone, and you simply take that as validation. Weakest mentality ever bro ngl. You’re just here for an echo chamber and confirmation bias. It is a huge huge huge red flag when someone exhibits these types of logical fallacies over. and over. and over. and over. beating a dead horse at this point. It’s unnecessary, slime. Where you only wanna be told you’re right, and that you twist it to saying that people disagree with you also means you’re right. That is a no-discussion (no contest / no debate) fallacy and one of the worst of them all..
How I can tell you have never been in a relationship and probably don’t have any friends. Just callin em how I see em bud, and I have always been a straight shooter.
Virus spoted 🙁
idk what’s up with y’all’s antivirus man
Ur a bad admin
And you’re a bad human
I don’t like this guy either. But bro. That’s unnecessary. Get off your freakin high horse. Since when were you the authority to be able to say someone isn’t a good human when you don’t even know them in real life at all. You’re seeming a bit self-absorbed and arrogant, just as much as they are. You both believe yourselves to be justified and are self-righteous. Don’t go around calling people bad humans online. You’re desensitized and that isn’t something a “good human” would do. I’ve seen you make some weird comments on this site too, don’t front. Like caring whether another person is employed or that they should work at fast food because that’s only for bad children? So just stop. Life isn’t meant to be lived online, get over yourself. This version of yourself that you see as some… punisher or prosecutor, is just a false perception. For the last time, for good measure. Stop.
-15 karma
Oooooh Emotional DA-MAGE
You are gay
ur mom triple gay 😝👎🖕
Same here
about virus popping up
-6 karma
You are gay
Cómo consigo a gengar?
-7 karma
I’m sorry but you are certified gay. RIP 🙏 .
So my virus detector popped up when I tried downloading this. Is this happening to anyone else?
scanned the file with malwarebytes and got nothing
L website
L mans cena
Make your own fucking website then you dumpster fire
-10 karma
You are gay
-6 karma
I’m sorry but you are certified gay. RIP 🙏 .