Shadow Pokemon in Pokemon GO

shadow pokemon pokemon go

Shadow Pokemon are enigmatic Pokémon that Team GO Rocket Grunts and Leaders abandon after losing a battle. They differ from regular Pokémon by having a burning purple aura, glowing red eyes, and a more menacing expression. Shadow Pokémon can be cured by purifying them with Stardust and Candy to become Purified Pokémon. All captured Shadow Pokémon will have the attack Frustration. This feature is only available to Trainers with a level of 8 or higher.

Obtaining a Shadow Pokemon

shadow pokemon

To obtain Shadow Pokémon, Trainer must defeat any member of Team GO Rocket (including Grunts, Leaders, or Giovanni) and complete a Rescue Shadow Pokémon challenge, which is similar to the Bonus Challenge in Raid Battles.

When attempting to capture Shadow Pokémon, they attack far more frequently than usual, making them extremely difficult to catch. This is where a Nanab Berry can come in handy. Furthermore, while Shadow Pokémon frequently have a deep orange or even red ring (even for common, low-level Pokémon), this appears to be deceptive, as the capture rate is not as low as the capture circle implies.

Shiny Shadow Pokémon can be captured after battles with Leaders or Jessie and James.


After capturing a Shadow Pokémon, you will have the option to purify it using a combination of Stardust and Candy. The cost of evolving a Shadow Pokémon appears to be based on Buddy Pokémon walking distance.

Purifying a Shadow Pokémon have the following effects:

  • CP is increased to level 25. If the Shadow Pokémon is powered up past level 25, it will remain at that level.
  • Amount of Stardust and Candy required to Power Up, Evolve or learn a new attack reduced.
  • Frustration, the Charged Attack, will be replaced by the exclusive Charged Attack called Return.
  • Individual Values of the Pokémon will all increase by 2.

Purifying a Shadow Pokémon raises the Purifier medal’s rank. The dark aura of the Pokémon will also change to a bright, luminous aura. Purified Pokémon must be traded, whereas Shadow Pokémon cannot be traded.

Shadow Bonus

Starting on March 2nd, 2020, Shadow Pokémon received bonus to make them stronger.

  • The attack of Shadow Pokémon is multiplied by 1.2.
  • The defense of Shadow Pokémon is multiplied by 0.833.

Shadow bonus applies to all Gym, Raid, and Trainer Battle. The attack bonus can be stacked with the weather bonus.

The cost of Power Up and the second Charged Attack requires less Stardust and Candy. The multiplier went from 3 to 1.2.

Also Read: The Strongest Shadow Pokemon in Pokemon GO

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