Pokemon Valen

Pokemon Valen

Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Valen GBA ROM Hack

  • Creator: Joexv
  • Version: Beta 1.9
  • Hack of: FireRed
  • Updated: April 30, 2018

Pokemon Valen is a Pokemon GBA Rom by Joexv based on Pokemon Fire Red in English. And It is now available to download. It was last updated on April 30, 2018.


The story is sad a little bit. During a time after the adventures of Wooper and the Saffron City curse, also before the Altar Region’s great collapse, there was a young couple who were celebrating their love on a very special love day. By the time they were going to kiss each other, suddenly a group of black-dressed guys came from nowhere. The young man had to leave immediately in tears. Time flies so fast. 20 years have been passed since that day. When seeing the loved one in a mart and being happy with her husband, the man is distraught. He decides to create a time machine to travel back in time and stay with that girl forever.

Travel back to the past with a young Professor Sades and get back his lost love. Destroy the evil organizations who are keeping him from his happiness.


  • The gameplay scripts are adjusted to be smoother with better transitions.
  • New graphic.

Changelog v1.9

  • Fixed as many bugs regarding the Pokecenter as I could find, which means fainting, healing, opening your start menu, etc etc. Is all fixed and personally tested by yours truly.
  • Adjusted some gameplay scripts to make it smoother with better transitions and just a general touch-up everywhere.





Unreasonably gorgeous admin of PokeHarbor