Pokemon SoothingSilver

Pokemon SoothingSilver

Download Pre-Patched Pokemon SoothingSilver NDS ROM Hack

  • Creator: DracAndre
  • Version: v1.0.6
  • Hack of: Soul Silver
  • Updated: 2020

Pokemon SoothingSilver is a QOL DS ROM hack of Pokémon SoulSilver. The main goal of the hack is to be somewhat similar to Vanilla SoulSilver but with more variety, a bit more difficulty, and quite a few new features (such as custom shinies and alolan forms) to hopefully give the player an even better experience without ruining the feel of the original SoulSilver. The game is beatable, all the way to Mt. Silver!

Also, be sure to try out Pokemon Mega Delta!


  • Some Pokémon have been replaced by their Alolan forms, mainly for type variety, later on I’ll release a patch for people who don’t want this feature in the game.
  • Alolan forms have custom Pokédex entries!
  • All gen 1 & 2 Pokémon (apart from legendaries and fossil pokémon) are avaliable before beating the league, and most gen 3 & 4 pokémon aside from the sinnoh fossils, Spiritomb and some legendaries.
  • Lyra is replaced entirely by Kris!
  • Gold/ Kris will now act like a rival with new dialogue and a few battles throughout the game!
  • Variety. Remember back in the original SoulSilver when you would find a trainer with 5 Pidgeys or when you fought Lance and he had 3 Dragonites? That won’t happen anymore, trainers will have more varied teams and Pokémon that didn’t appear much previously, will do now.
  • Increased difficulty. All boss trainers have improved teams with better movesets and
    starting from the 4th gym all trainers will have increased levels. This means Kanto should be more of a challenge now! The difficulty is intended to be somewhere inbetween vanilla SoulSilver and StormSilver.
  • The Hack should work on flashcarts like the R4!
  • All Pokémon have their base stats updated to their Gen 6 stats.
  • Some Pokémon have slightly altered stats, typings, and movesets in order to make them more usable, to add more type variety or just because it makes sense. Examples include Dragon-Bug Yanmega, Beedrill having slightly higher stats and learning Megahorn at later levels. These changes aren’t as drastic as other hacks like Project rebooted.
  • Some moves have been edited to be more usuable. Notably HMs are now actually better in battle so they don’t hinder your Pokémon as much. For example Rock smash has increased pp and 100% chance to lower defense and Flash is now an electric type special move with 20 power, 95 accuracy, 100% chance lower accuracy and has priority.
  • Easier Evolution. If a Pokémon has an evolution/ pre evolution introduced in gen 3/4 it’ll be avaliable pre league and all evo items can be obtained in new ways. In addition any evolutions will be possible without having to trade.
  • The type chart has been edited a little to help balance the game. Most notably Ice type is now immune to ice and resists water/ ground attacks
  • New overworld events!
  • Shiny rate increased from 1/8192 to 1/2048 (although it seems to be even higher than this!)
  • Some pokémon will have custom shiny palletes!
  • GB sounds from the start of the game
  • Game corner has changed prizes and cheaper prices
  • Early exp. share
  • Removed the catching tutorial
  • Repels and Max Repels now last slightly longer and Max Repels are cheaper
  • Some characters have their dialouge altered a little to be slightly more memorable or just to explain features like alolan forms





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