Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Fire Red Extended GBA ROM Hack
- Creator: DjTarma
- Version: v3.5.4
- Hack of: FireRed
- Updated: January 28, 2025
- Status: Completed
Pokemon Fire Red Extended is a GBA ROM Hack by DjTarma based on Pokemon Fire Red in English. And it is now available to download. It was last updated on January 28, 2025.
Also, be sure to try out Pokemon Yuval
A FireRed Remake Project With A Lot Of Advanced Enhancements!
- Pokemon from Gen 1-9 (Kanto To Paldea).
- 27 Starters (Gen 1 To 9 Starters)
- Custom Level For Starter Evolution.
- Evolve Certain Pokemon With Link Cable.
- All In-Game Fonts Have Been Blacked Out.
- HUD & Updated Layouts For Better Experience.
- IVs, Natural Display Added & PSS Icons Inserted.
- Unique Events (Some Legendary Events Are Missing).
- Certain Evolution Methods From Male/Female Pokemon.
- Party Specific Evolution (Remoraid + Mantyke = Mantine).
- Advanced Evolution Guide In With Game File Download.
- Custom Wormhole System & Sideway Stairs GFX.
- Dive Maps For More Exploration & Some Incomplete Events.
- Revamp Map’s GFX & Custom Battle Background’s GFX.
- Advanced Move Tutor For 2000$ In Every PokeMart.
- Replaced Elite Four With The Ultimate Pokemon League!
- Field Moves. (Cut, Fly, Surf, Strength, Flash, Rock Smash, Waterfall, Dive, Dig, Sweet Scent, Rock Climb, Dig, Headbutt, Drillrun, Bulldoze, Thief, Growth).
- New Fossil Resurrection System For Gen 1-8 Fossils (Use Thief On Hikers/ Dig In Certain Maps).
- Safari Zone Expanded To 4000$ (Does Not Count Steps + 60 Safari Balls)
What’s New! – v3.5.4
All bugs found were fixed:
- The bug that makes Lance Freeze at the map.
- Fixes in the move compatibility of Paldea Pokémon.
- Another Stuff.
Nothing new was inserted. The major focus of this update is fixing all bugs found.
Also… a relevant note about the future of the project
The rework of the Fire Red Extended project will be developed at CFRU, seeking to extract the maximum resources, without losing the essence of the hack.
The rework will possibly be released in 2026, due to my availability.
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Useful Stuff
Note: You’re recommended to use MyBoy/PizzaBoy on Android and VBA/mGBA on Windows.
Previous Versions
Can’t even edit the PokeMart cashiers with Advance Map, This creator really made sure that we can’t cheat period in this hack….this sucks
you can use cheat codes. it depends on what codes you use. you can use the NUGGET code and pull out 100 nuggets and sell them at the store. you can use the code to find certain wild pokemon in the wild. I recommend not using the master ball code, since you can only have one ball in your bag.
If u didn’t want people 2 use gameshark codes then u shouldn’t of let’em be coded into the game. If I decide 2 use cheats in a game then that’s on me as the player not you the creator.
When comes the new update when we get the other gen 9 Pokémon?
Where do you catch Roule
For anyone having trouble maintaining saves between emulator updates, this will be a godsend.
Step 1: Save your game in game (do not use save states; neither save stated nor cheats will port over (but both can exported/imported).
Step 2: Once you have a current save file, go to the menu > Advanced > save files > export current sav file.
Step 3: 🚩Name it something recognizable. And make a duplicate of the .sav file!!!🚩 (This is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, if you lose this file, you have to start over from the beginning!!!).
Step 4: You can export your cheats with Menu > Cheats > Export Cheats > Select All > Export (though it only works for the current emulator version). I recommend copying your favorite cheats in notepad app, then cut and paste between emulator updates.
Step 5: Once you do EVERYTHING above: Update your emulator.
Step 6: Menu > Advanced > Import .sav file from another emulator > select the save file you named > start game thru emulator (not save states, they’ll be empty) > load saved game file > you should have your last exported game on the updated emulator version.
Note: If for some reason this process doesn’t work, all is not lost, as long as you still have the exported .sav file, your progress is NOT lost. !!!DO NOT!!! delete that file under ANY circumstances. That way you can use the same steps to restore to the previous emulator version.
.how do I fix the frozen if I go to the third gem
Never had this issue. What are you doing when it freezes? And what emulator are you using?
Does the one island exist in this rom hack?
Hello Can you please fix like freeze and black screen fix it alr cuz the game make so bad like in third gym in the forest i go there and it freeze or black screen so better fix it alr
When use smartwatch HM, If it’s show egg image not watch. It turn your Pokémon in PC Box to “Bad egg” so be careful. (I found in Box2 Six row on third.)
I mean five row horizon on third place, sorry for writing 😔)
Hlo where can I find magmarizer and electirizer
If my memory serves right, Elekid or magby should have it on them. Sometimes they may have it on them sometimes they don’t it’s the luck of the draw.
You can purchase them in Celadon City.
Your discord invite is expired, use this one from the pokecommunity page
You put anti cheat on a rom hack. Make that make sense.
Where can I find HM dive
Heads up, there’s something really wrong with the speed stat. I’m on route 1 and things that have no business outspeeding my now lvl 10 Sprigatito outspeed it. It’s not a priority move issue or an ability issue.
I just wanna know where it is or is it just a Celdon casino exclusive?
It is, I just purchased it.
Bonjour tout le monde, je dèbute dans ce jeu et je voudrais juste savoir s’il existe un moyen intégré au jeu de pouvoir changer la nature et les investissements de nos pokemons, merci.
I found a shiny scatterbug. Is the shiny odds boosted in this rom or am I just lucky for the first time.
The odds are bumped up to 1/250
The game freezes all the time, and in the route the pkmn that are named in the posters do not appear.
Until the next update I will not continue using this game.
Where can I get Dratini?
Surf in Safari Zone
It’s a great story, but the creator, should expand the plot, beyond the sevii islands.
hey SKR, version 3.5.1 just released today. Thank you
This game has its moments where its fun, especially as a player who has not played red much. But for the most part its just “Can I kill this person in one hit after the potion or will I be here for another year” or “Oh look another stall trainer with confusion, speed reducing, status mons I have to fight. yay.” Unlike games like Unbound or Kaizo where difficulty comes from smarter AI or just harder teams this game is difficult because the trainers are annoying and you have to constantly grind so you can be overleveled to stand a chance. I’d recommend trying other games before this one
It’s just so sad because this game has so much potential but fighting trainers with 4-6 pokemon is not it. It doesn’t make the game hard, just more tedious and annoying.
where Is rock smash hm? need it Too much for grinding for LV85 FIRE GYM
Ok NVM it’s in the volcano take the big elevator and Go To the spa. An old man’s gonna gibe it To u
HAWLUCHA LOCATION: south cerulean, there is desert. Top left there is a zone where you need strength. In the tall grass, hawlucha, paldean starters, ENJOY
why pokemon center does not have a second floor, because in cerulean city, there’s a quest that need the second floor of the pokemon center and there’s no second floor in any pokemon center
In The icy cave i can walk on wall on 4 cases. The color of items in the PC when held bY pokemon Is bugged
How To evolve porygon? The guy in pewter city won’t tell me
Ok nvm.
This rom hack is not bug fix Because I download the again this game and I am going for million city but my game is glitch and I use cheat but it’s glitch please can you fix this rom hack
I found the loophole on using cheat codes. You can use the cheat code for nugget and withdraw it from your PC. All you have to do is avoid contact with Nurse Joy. I withdraw 50 nuggets and wen the mart and sold them. I went back to heal my pokemon and I wasn’t called a “CHEATER” this time.
O jogo trava quando vou entrar na cidade de Vermilion tanto na versão 3.5 e 3.4.9. O que eu faço?
Where is the Move Tutor who remember moves?
Still no mega evolution?
The creator said that he will not add these “mechanics” as his intention is to make you have a new experience of Pokémon Fire Red, and also you have a range of pokemons to choose from on your team instead of using mega evolution.
Entire Vermilion city is glich i always bug out and cannot enter Vermillion city
How can I trade!!!
O jogo crasha logo antes de chegar em vermillion
In the latest update I can’t reach from Cerulean city to Vermillion city after taking the underground path the game gets stuck at the entrance of the starting of the vermillion city
O mesmo acontece comigo.
You need To use mGBA emulator. works perfectly for me
Bro pokemon classic 1.3 new update
updated it
where can I buy the heal orb???
This game kinda glitchy. I have a bug it is not allowing to play game. I gone to the guy in cerulean city who gives powder jar. I didn’t have powder and my game got stucked. Plz try to fix this bug
The hack he deleted
fixed it
The purple hair male in Viridian city will give you a free potion every time you walk up and talk to him , and then walk away.
3.4.9 out
Someone can help me? I didntuse any cheats but the game calls me cheater and deny me all services after beat Lt Surge
Does anyone know where I can find hawlucha, galar corsola and snom? I want complete my pokedex, but cannot find any of these pokemons anywewhere!!! Any idea?
Id sAY snow Is in the frozen forest, While you dont need galar version.of corsola and hawlucha Is sOUTH east cerulean in the paldea starters zone
The cheat codes work well. I mainly use Max Revive and Master Ball.
If you use the wild pokemon codes, use the 2nd master code first,then pokemon code. That should work anyone. It worked for me perfectly.
I found a baby loop in the cheat. I used the cheat for master ball, and only grabbed one ball. The cheat worked with only one ball at a time, but you after use that ball right then and there. Then you can grab another ball.
single player game but it says you cant cheat? dumb. wasted my time. just wanted to play whatever and however to relax but i cant. was looking forward to play it all the way since it seemed promising but all this anti cheat stuff is stupid. dont waste your time.
can’t play without cheat? weakling
Just wondering if Gen 9 will be added to the game?
I mean In my opinion I used to use cheats but now just use exp share and stuff like that but its ok if you wanna use cheats i mean Pokemon challenges one of the best nuzlockers said its ok to use cheats
I was gonna say the same thing about the pokemart or even pokecenter not letting you use the services such as healing the pokemon when they die or getting stuff like antidote or repel and other stuff like cause I did put in cheat codes such as the one for infinite money and as you said it should have never been made and by the way if you are looking for a new pokemon game that will allow you to purchase stuff with the cheat codes on try downloading this game called fire red essence it’s pretty cool
Just play another game! Really Good w/o cheats
3.4.7 is out now
updated it
When come gen 9 in this game?
The learnset of this pokemon rom hack is so bad, the creator is lack of that
There is new update 3.4.5.
please update it soon.
So I originally tried to use the rare candy cheat code and was met with a very cheeky and condescending message about how cheating is bad or some shit. So if anyone else is having problems using the rare candy cheat heres the new code to use. The problem was that the rare candy’s Id number was changed from 44 to 5B. so the new code is this 82025840 005B. You’re Welcome. I dont like other people imposing their personal morals on others. I say cheat as much as you want.
Need master code? And do you have masterball cheat as well? XD
hmmm, is it really safe?
i mean, they might put same trap pokemon clover, where you got punished in ending (although I never played it, since i am not fan of fakemon, only watched the yt).
Now if only you could help us figure out the codes for master balls in pc, walk through walls, infinite money, and infinite pp without the game refusing to heal or purchase items in shops then that would be grand. This dingleberry of a game developer ruined the fun for alot of us by not letting us explore the game with the cheats…especially knowing we have to defeat 18 league bosses plus our ‘rival’ just to complete the main portion of the game itself. i liked it better when it was just the 4 plus champion instead of 19 opponents (like wtf). at this rate, we would need an infinite hp cheat so that we never get screwed over…
Than don’t play the game if you don’t like the anti cheat.
I have the latest update and the game still crashes as you walk into vermillion
i really like this rom hack
mostly because it brings alot more life to kanto with a lot of stuff to do
i only have one problem with the game
and its with the elite four or 18 im not much of a fan of competitive pokemon battles
and im not really sure why it has to be so difficult even when i put the difficulty on easy
i really want to complete this game but i cant even get past the first elite 4 member without dying
i just want it to be a little easier, plus full restores cost too much maybe if there was a option to heal your entire party after an elite four battle like in radical red but its whatever that is the only part of the game i dont find possible i dont have the time to grind money to buy items just for me to get one shot by a not very effective move it doesnt even make sense and why do they have access to heal orbs and full restores but i dont get anything like that all i have to say is please make the elite 18 easier or just add the original elite 4 but hard and not 18 trainers my pokemon’s moves dont have that much pp its basically unfair.
what level does finnekin evolve at
This ROM isn’t worth it at all. The difficulty setting means nothing at the beginning, the game is locked on hard mode. Hard mode means that wild pokemon can 2 shot you while being 6 levels beneath you at a type disadvantage. Trainer battles last an eon, due to every trainer using overleveled pokemon for the area, a minimum of 4 pokemon per trainer, and healing their pokemon at least twice. The level scaling is weird. Viridian Forest trainers cap at 10 and wild pokemon there at 7, but Brock’s weakest pokemon is 15 and his Onix is 18, and everything after picks up as if Brock’s fight didn’t exist. Super potions only heal for 30 and you can’t buy paralyze heals early, even though you get paralyzed all the time. The Speed stat is meaningless, as even without a speed tie, your enemy will almost always go first, even over priority moves. Also, who gets so salty about rare candies that they get coded as “usual candies” and are described as being used by “dirty cheaters”?
This ROM should’ve never been made, and whoever made it needs to look inward.
Similar thoughts – when i first encountered Brock, i’ve regretted trying to catch and level different pokemons. Should’ve overleveled my starter to even stand a chance.
Better yet, should’ve picked a Fire/Fighting starter, since earlygame is absolute slog without one.
And balance between different pokemons is absolutely non-existent – I got Pidgey to level 14, and it still didn’t learn Gust – its signature flying move.
In fact, it didn’t learn any move at all after getting tackle, fast tackle, anti-detect tackle and sand attack >.>
Other odd thing is that in the first Rival battle, Rival has a potion that he could use to screw you for not grabbing the free PC Item Storage potion.
Also, stuff about rare candies and EXP share is hilarious – really feels like the developer(s) of this romhack is/are forcing their own ‘right’ way to play lol.
Romhack feels annoying to play without the savestates and fastmodes, and developer(s) didn’t think that enjoying pokemon without those is possible.
U get exp share After 60 in the pokedex
I just downloaded the new version and it’s great! I love the new features and the updated graphics. Keep up the good work!
How we can continue progress after update ?
Save your game in game (do not use save states; neither save stated nor cheats will port over (but both can exported/imported). Once you have a current save file, go to the menu > Advanced > save files > export current sav file. 🚩Name it something recognizable. And make a duplicate of the .sav file!!!🚩 (This is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, if you lose this file, you have to start over from the beginning!!!). You can export your cheats with Menu > Cheats > Export Cheats > Select All > Export (though it only works for the current emulator version). I recommend copying your favorite cheats in notepad app, then cut and paste between emulator updates.
Once you do EVERYTHING above: Update your emulator. Menu > Advanced > Import .sav file from another emulator > select the save file you named > start game thru emulator (not save states, they’ll be empty) > load saved game file > you should have your last exported game on the updated emulator version.
If for some reason this process doesn’t work, all is not lost, as long as you still have the exported .sav file, your progress is NOT lost. !!!DO NOT!!! delete that file under ANY circumstances. That way you can use the same steps to restore to the previous emulator version.
I hope this can upgrade the moves to the eighth generation, which should be better though the game is very perfect!Thanks to your amazing work!
if you want to know what the author is working on currently and find out about future updates first, you can join their discord server:
Hello, the link is invalid. Anyways, I want the developer to add more boxes to the PC. I only have 2-3 more boxes left and there’s still a ton of pokemon to catch still.
Why are there two of these games on this website? And which one is better?
this one is better
I really am curious about the shiny rate/odd here, if you know it pls put it in the description:)
Get this game a Dexnav too?
Pretty sure all romhack need you to save at pokecenter before transfering into new version
Within the next few updates can we please add more pokemon boxes? the amount we currently have isn’t enough for all the pokemon.
anyone know where to find Hawlucha also?
Yeah, I Agree With You. We Need 64 Boxes at least
Please somebody help me how to get inside Seafoam Island in version 3.3.1 ??
As im stuck searching for an item called Drag Rock or Drag Stone or whatsoever according to the dude standing outside the entrance
Game crashes when entering Vermillion City. (Version v3.3)
Where the heck is trading point in every pokecenter ????
I cant find them anywhere in the game 🙁 🙁
Na versão 3.1.4 o assistente não está em Glane Town como vou pegar o rock climb?
pokemon can’t evolve?
Yes Pokemon can Evolve And Yes I Know I Played This game If You Want To Know More I Happy To Help
how To evolve porygon/2
Хули не эволюционирует?
is There Any fixes for a crash right before you enter vermillion Yet if Not Can You Look in To it And Fix It Please V3.2.8
Why my starter not evolving, are the levels for evolution high now
18/20 iirc
No Clue Why
Are the old saves compatible with the new versions?
yes they were, but unfortunately, after the v3.3.5 update saves from before the release of v3.3 won’t work with the current version.
I Found A Bug in V3.2.8 Just When Your in Route 6 Just Before You Enter vermilon City The game Will Just Crash Can You Look in To it and Fix it Please
update please..
the current version is 3.2.8
Hello Just Wondering What is The Different Between Version: v3.2.5 & v3.26 Meaning What is in v3.26 That is Not in v3.25
Spawn List feature:
– From Route 09, and 10, Power Plant and Rock Tunnel have been completed!
(Cave maps of these areas are under development).
The maps above had a balance in the level of the wild Pokémon and improvement of some spawns…
An extra map has been added on Route 10, near the PokéCenter, on the right side.
– A massive amount of map bugs have been fixed, such as wall blocking errors, maptile problems, etc…
– Added animations on the Overworld Sprite of the following Pokémon (VIP):
Yveltal (Flying) and Zeraora (Sleeping)
Yveltal when the player interacts with him, causes him to land on the ground and howls,
while Zeraora has a better animation sleeping and after the player gives him a Thunder Stone,
Zeraora will jump and thus start the battle!
– Some dive maps have been inserted and corrected in the following locations:
Route 10 (Lake Dive Added)
Route 13 (Removed useless dive point)
Route 20 (Ocean Diving will be added for the next update)
– Fixed the description of several items and some moves.
The author will possibly be changing TMs 01, 28, and 42 in the future.
– Pokémon changes:
Happiny, Chansey, Blissey, and Audino now hold Lucky Egg in the two slots.
Nidoking/Nidoqueen have Defiant as second slot ability.
Piplup to Empoleon have Competitive as second slot ability.
I found a softlock. in that forest where you can find fly HM. if you dont have pokemon who can learn fly or you dont already have strength HM. you get stuck there.
Pardon, sorry to be a bother but can you finish the Pokedex. Without trading?
Hey ah how many challengers do i need to beat up just to beat the sh8 out of my rival become the champ and catch mewtwo? There is so many fricking challengers dunno how many of them i’ve beaten because theres just too many of them y’know please i need answers i’ve always loved this game in fact this is my first game
AFAIK 18 ppl
hey, new version available 3.2.5.
hope it updated soon ☺️
thanks for letting me know, I’ve updated the post.
vermillion hasnt been fixed yet
has anyone found the hm surf??????
I’m using My Boy in mobile. Any chance someone can tell me how to update my 3.0 version to the current version without starting over?
Its in Safari Zone since there is time limit i recommend using Repels and run oh and there is two cabin woth the prize one with HM Surf and one with a move tutor fprget the name its been too long since i last played
There is two house with the prize 1 for HM Surf 1 for move tutor
Whats the difference between cabin and house?
No time limit. only pokeball limit
Can you not choose your gender?
Does the exp share here is a gen 6 type?
yes. U need 60 in pokedex, right fuschia city for it. Then activate it manually via bag
Also just saying I love the shiny odds, out of the 2 versions I’ve played I’ve found 3 shinies
what are the shiny odds
Anyone know if we can get rare candies like 999 of them to level up quicker?
Nah, because the minute we use cheats, the game bans us from healing or using the Mart and calls us dirty cheaters, in other words the hack creator is being a tool and forcing us to play the game their way, like WTF
There’s a trick to it. Put the code in go to the PC box pull out a few use it but never load it in your items box. I can put one Master Ball in my box as long as I don’t go over it. And all I got to do is replenish it every time in the PC box. Also if you load up on nuggets just don’t talk to the nurse Joy.
Any fixes for a crash right before you enter vermillion??
There’s a new update available. Be sure to check it out as there have been a lot of bug fixes in this update.
Vermillion hasn’t been fixed yet
did they fix this yet
do you know where hm surf is?
Why The Game Stuck In Region 6?
I don’t know if I’m the only person having this problem but any time I’m at the level cap my pokemon just won’t listen to me
So my game will crash right before Celadon city and it’s annoying, I spent hours leveling up and I cant even progress, is there a way to fix that
There’s a new update available. Be sure to check it out as there have been a lot of bug fixes in this update.
Well thank god for x12 gba speed so I can grind out levels again to get back to where I was
do you know where hm surf is located???
bullshit, it hadn’t been fixed
fake update, my game stops before the 3rd gym, kindly remove this group
You guys need to use the supported emulator.
At the beginning of the game, there is a message that says how emulators must be used.
Where do you find Strength and rock smash? I’ve completed all gyms. But need these 2 HM to go to the League. And I’m not getting anywhere.
Can u give me a working invite link the discord link is broken
can you link the supported emulator?
Is there a way to keep my previous save with the new updates? I guess I downloaded an old one and have been playing for a good 30 hours and don’t want to lose all of my data.
I’d like to know this too! Just started and has another update. Pokémon aren’t evolving either ..
You cannot.
If your save was before the 3.3 release, you must start a new match, deleting the old .sav file.
I’m the creator of the project, you can solve any questions on my youtube channel.
Is there a cheat here?
Coloquem a geração 9 pfvr
How to get to aurora island?
How can I trade in this room hack?