Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Eevee Emerald GBA. Ever wanted to play Pokémon Emerald but with Eevee as a starter option? Well, now you can!
Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Energized Emerald GBA. It is a revamp of Pokemon Emerald that offers an enhanced and expanded experience in gameplay, story, and...
Download Pre-Patched Pokemon E'merald v1.0 GBA. You follow Orion on a very mild psychological journey to find answers to something or someone he has forgotten.
Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Mirage of Tales 2.0 GBA. Avlar is a peaceful country with a long history that is known for its vast woodlands, rolling hills, and..
Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Classic GBA. A Pokemon Yellow Remake in Pokemon Emerald. Revisit Kanto with your Pokemon partner and experience improved features,
Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Techno Emerald GBA. It is a difficulty hack of Emerald utilizing the pokeemerald Expansion, & inspired by NotSuicuu's Vintage White
Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Modern Emerald GBA. Different Gamemodes, Ton of New Features, Randomizer, Nuzlocke, Difficulty Options, Challenges, and Much More!
Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Galaxy Emerald GBA. Tired of playing new Hacks that add a lot of things but take away the originality of the original game?
Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Parallel Emerald GBA. It is a QOL and difficulty hack of Pokémon Emerald made using the pokeemerald decompilation. The core goal...
Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Run & Bun GBA ROM. It's a difficulty hack for Emerald, inspired by games such as Emerald Kaizo and Radical Red but offering...